
At Integrative Chiropractic Clinic, we truly care about our patients and it shows. 

“Thank you so much for resolving my depression issues. I have dealt with depression for nine years and the advice you gave me to get off birth control and take the correct supplements completely changed my life. I am now no longer depressed and feel like myself again because of you. I cannot thank you enough and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me!”

— Kelly F.

“I suffered from terrible pain in my head, neck and shoulders for years. The pain was severe and lasted hours or often days. Through regular adjustments with Dr Huang the pain is so much better! The “headaches” are only occasional, nowhere near as severe and don’t last long at all. I truly look forward to my visits to the clinic. Any problem I’m having Dr Huang helps me – from sinus issues to “my foot has been hurting”. I highly recommend Dr Huang to everyone. .”

— Jan D.

“You have changed my life from one of chronic pain to one of joyful activity.”

— Ken F.

“I had been having horrible migraine headaches for two weeks straight. Within an hour with Dr. Huang, they were gone!”

— Doris B.

“I suffer chronic arthritic pain. In one visit I can put on my socks without discomfort or pain. I'm walking 100% better. But most of all I have an eating disorder which he is treating. One week later and the craving and desire to eat compulsively is under control.”

— Tom S.

"Dr. Huang has impressed me so much with his knowledge and God-given talent in correctly diagnosing patient issues. He has successfully helped my Mom, both of my daughters and many of my friends with a variety of health problems. Dr. Huang tries to fix the actual problem, not just cover up the symptoms with prescription drugs. Health dilemmas I have watched him solve are nothing short of amazing. He has been a godsend not only for myself but for my family as well!"

— Lori F.

"I have used Dr Huang as my primary caregiver since high school.  I suffered from chronic stomach pain which my pediatrician diagnosed as anxiety.  Based on this I saw a psychologist for a year with no result.  Dr Huang figured out I was missing a digestive enzyme and cured my stomach pain in one visit.  I don’t know what I would do without him.  He addresses all my health concerns from hormones to back pain to stress.  I have sent my husband, my in-laws and many of my friends to him and he has helped them all.  I cannot recommend Integrative Chiropractic Clinic enough."

— Stephanie C.

“The specialist said I had to take high doses of steroids for two years to control my illness and the terrible pain. Two years later I am active and do everything. Dr. Huang has given me unbelievable relief and a quality of life I feared was lost.”

— Lois R.

“After many years of experiencing depression, extreme fatigue and generalized aches and pains I final found relief - and the cause of my symptoms.”

— Barb B.

“I suffered from migraine headaches for years. I was recommended to see Dr. Huang so I did and my results were great. After getting acupuncture and adjustments my migraines had gotten much better. Now only a few years later I no longer have migraines at all.”

— Tyler D.

"I have been a patient of Dr Huang’s for over 3 years. I have chronic hip pain and all over stiffness. I felt immediate relief after my first visit. He and his staff are very friendly and professional. He has convenient office hours and I’ve never had a problem scheduling appointments. I would highly recommend Dr Huang for any of your chiropractic needs." 

— Traci B.

“I would highly recommend Dr. Huang to everyone. After my bilateral knee replacement I am walking, hiking and really enjoying life. I could not have done it without his help.”

— Carol B.

“I brought my 6-year-old here for allergies, asthmas and a very weak immune system. Dr. Huang helped when none of [my son's] doctors could.”

— Sherry T.

“Dr. Huang is a wonderful doctor. He combines the foundations of chiropractic medicine with his knowledge of applied kinesiology and acupuncture, and that is what sets him apart from other chiropractors. He truly cares for his patients and is gifted at what he does. His staff is pleasant, professional, and easy to work with as well.

— Dr. Deol

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Call (330) 425-2477


Office Hours
(Appointment is required)

8:00 am – 5:30 pm

8:00 am – 5:30 pm

8:00 am – 5:30 pm


8:00 am – 5:30 pm

8 am to noon By Appointment Only